

DNS over UDP Scanning

Last successfull measurement:

Distribution of ODNS Components Worldwide
Number of ODNS Components:
Share of ODNS Components of Top-50 Countries

This plot shows the Top-50 countries which host the most transparent forwarders (absolut). The bars show the share of all ODNS components per country, the left y-axis shows the absolut amount of transparent forwarders active in these countries. Countries marked with a '*' are emerging markets.

Consolidation Effect of Transparent Forwarders in Top-50 Countries

This plot shows the Top-50 countries which host the most transparent forwarders (absolut). Countries marked with a '*' are emerging markets. This heatmap shows where transparent forwarders relay their requests to. Most of the requests are forwarded to resolver of Google.

Top 50 Autonomous System with most Transparent Forwarders

This table shows the top-50 autonomous systems (AS) that host most of the transparent DNS forwarders as presented in the ACM CoNEXT'21 paper. The full data set is also available as part of the artifacts collection.

ASN # Transparent Forwarders Δ Last Week [#] Δ Last Week [%] Δ Last Week [Rank]
0 45804 19042 4424 30 0
1 4812 13295 2115 19 0
2 17771 9689 2391 33 0
3 52444 8595 2155 33 0
4 37455 8166 2028 33 0
5 209 7498 1769 31 0
6 27881 7462 1859 33 0
7 5769 6818 1660 32 0
8 37403 6601 1564 31 0
9 22921 6125 1527 33 0
10 58659 5746 1506 36 0
11 52271 5255 1243 31 0
12 28198 4575 1229 37 0
13 150008 4381 1098 33 0
14 18229 3245 876 37 0
15 47849 3054 722 31 0
16 264100 3045 841 38 2
17 135076 2729 419 18 0
18 47524 2528 594 31 1
19 19901 2453 594 32 3
20 29600 2445 588 32 3
21 134019 2296 580 34 3
22 52864 2273 -55 -2 -6
23 63526 2158 268 14 -3
24 5483 2064 447 28 1
25 57583 2048 508 33 1
26 197025 2043 523 34 1
27 263408 2039 565 38 3
28 61784 2035 533 35 0
29 139567 1950 478 32 2
30 134863 1872 467 33 3
31 134341 1853 445 32 1
32 134866 1824 447 32 2
33 134236 1804 308 21 -4
34 3462 1799 956 113 27
35 262767 1787 455 34 3
36 52548 1778 434 32 1
37 48326 1773 421 31 -1
38 132974 1731 432 33 2
39 133676 1683 534 46 4
40 5639 1586 355 29 1
41 207620 1534 377 33 1
42 136284 1522 416 38 3
43 7303 1494 346 30 1
44 262769 1492 389 35 2
45 15695 1479 161 12 -6
46 58890 1460 -426 -23 -25
47 3257 1397 301 27 0
48 52468 1390 366 36 2
49 11971 1347 319 31 0